Tag: digitalmarketing


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Guest Reviews: Ways to Improve Online Reviews for Hotels Posted on | Posted in Blog, Hotel Trends & Advice, MarketingLeave a comment

Guest reviews are an essential part of a customer’s decision making process when they are booking for your hotel. A website can look attractive and professional but if a hotel does not have positive reviews from previous guests, potential customers are likely to book somewhere else. This is because guest reviews actually provide insight into… Read More

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THA Digital Bootcamp @Khaolak by Thai Hotel Association, Southern Chapter Posted on | Posted in Events

The “THA - Digital Bootcamp @Khaolak” is the fourth THA Digital Bootcamp seminar that we are hosting out of our digital bootcamp series on Thursday 11th May 2023. ... Read More

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Staff Shortages: Useful Technologies that Will Reduce Cost of Staff Posted on | Posted in Blog, TechnologyLeave a comment

Ever since the pandemic of covid-19, staff shortages and costs have become a real problem for hotels. However, with new technologies, hotels are able to reduce staff and cost in the long term - providing them with solutions that have never been seen before. ... Read More

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Digital Bootcamp #3 by Thai Hotel Association, Southern Chapter Posted on | Posted in EventsLeave a comment

The “THA - Digital Bootcamp #3” is the third THA Digital Bootcamp we are hosting out of our bootcamp series on the 26th of April 2023 to help increase direct bookings with lower costs in the long run. ... Read More

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Backlinks: The Trick to Successful Hotel Business Posted on | Posted in Blog, Hotel Trends & Advice, Marketing, TechnologyLeave a comment

Backlinks are extremely important if you want to increase your search rankings. They are “votes” that Google considers when ranking your website. ... Read More

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Strategies To Successful Hotel Marketing Posted on | Posted in Blog, Hotel Trends & Advice, MarketingLeave a comment

Digital marketing is very important for hotels especially in the modern world of covid-19. Digital marketing helps you reach out to your prospective customers and helps you expand your business online. ... Read More

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Hotel Businesses After Covid: How to Survive and Recover Posted on | Posted in Blog, Hotel Trends & Advice, Marketing, TechnologyLeave a comment

Covid-19 has impacted many businesses worldwide. It has made an impact on economic growth, leading to a sharp sell-off in markets around the world. It has disrupted the entire chain of traveling businesses and has made it near possible for hotels to come back, but with ease of traveling restrictions, hotels are able to take a step back and work on recovering their businesses after covid.... Read More

Web Connection Resources
Tips to Successful Video Marketing Campaigns Posted on | Posted in Blog, Hotel Trends & Advice, MarketingLeave a comment

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your brand and drive conversions towards your hotel. Videos are more likely to improve the understanding of your customer’s knowledge of your service and hence, increase direct bookings. A powerful video will most definitely draw your customers attention, and make your brand more memorable to them.... Read More

Web Connection Resources
The Power of Photography for Hotels Posted on | Posted in Blog, Hotel Trends & Advice, MarketingLeave a comment

Professional hotel photography is noticeably one of the most important things for a hotel. It can be used on websites, social media, ads, marketing and all forms of media. It is key to a successful hotel business. The way you present yourself can impact a guests' decision making and having a quality picture of your hotel can either drive your guests away, or towards your hotel business. ... Read More

Web Connection Resources
Video Marketing for Hotels: What’s the Importance? Posted on | Posted in Blog, Hotel Trends & Advice, MarketingLeave a comment

Video marketing is very important, especially for hotels. The use of visuals, texts, and sounds can enhance a customer’s experience and give them an overall impression of the hotel they’re about to visit. It gives them the look and the feel of what the hotel is going to look like and can help determine whether or not they would like to pick a stay with you. ... Read More