Backlinks: The Trick to Successful Hotel Business

Hotel Marketing, Hotel Trends & Travel Technology


Backlinks: The Trick to Successful Hotel Business

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Backlinks are extremely important if you want to increase your search rankings. They are “votes” that Google considers when ranking your website.

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It is without doubt that working on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is extremely crucial if you want to increase direct bookings to your hotel website. There are many ways to improve search engine ranking like defining your keyword, optimizing website content, editing meta-description, etc. However, one of the most effective and easiest ways to do this is to add on backlinks. Backlinks are essential if you want to drive traffic to your website and increase search rankings. In this article, we will explain why backlinks are essential to hotel business and how it can improve your SEOs.

What are Backlinks?

Before we begin to talk about why Backlinks are so important, we need to know what it is first. Backlinks are inbound links that link one website to another website page. Backlinks are essential in SEO because Google views it as “votes” to a specific webpage. Hence, webpages with a lot of backlinks tend to rank higher on search engines, especially if it is coming from a trusted source. 

Backlinks are essential to websites, especially for hotels if you want to increase organic traffic and drive more direct bookings to you. Here are reasons why hotels need backlinks and why you should probably start working on them:

Improved Search Engine Rankings

Websites with more backlinks are more likely to rank higher in search engines. This is because Google views it as “votes of confidence” from other webpages. It suggests that other webpages find your webpage valuable or trustworthy enough to link back to their page, especially if the backlinks are coming from high quality and authoritative websites. Hence, the more backlinks you have, the more likely it is that you will get ranked higher on the search engine by Google. While this isn’t the case for every website as there are many other factors that Google considers while ranking your website, it is definitely an essential part if you want to improve your SEO

Increased Referral Traffic

Referral traffic is the visitors of your website that come from another website’s link, usually backlinks. Referral traffic is important in SEO because it increases website visibility and website exposure. Having more exposure can lead to more sales and direct bookings, and can expose you to different kinds of target audiences. It can also help with your search engine ranking, making them higher on Google, Bing, etc.

Increase Trust & Authority

When reputable websites link to your site, it can suggest your website is trustworthy and can increase authority to you. Users will get the impression that the content you provide is of quality hence why it is linked to reputable websites. Google will also assess whether your content is of quality based on signals that suggest expertise, authority and trustworthiness. Having backlinks is one of the indicators for Google which can result in Google ranking your website higher on search engines.

Lead to Sales 

Backlinks can lead to sales and conversions. Linking from one website to another, especially linking a Booking Engine page to different backlinks, can help generate sales and direct bookings for hotels. The more backlinks you have, the more likely it is that you are going to drive traffic to your website, and the more likely that potential customers will remember and visit you.

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