Guest Reviews: Ways to Improve Online Reviews for Hotels

Hotel Marketing, Hotel Trends & Travel Technology


Guest Reviews: Ways to Improve Online Reviews for Hotels

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Guest reviews are an essential part of a customer’s decision making process when they are booking for your hotel. A website can look attractive and professional but if a hotel does not have positive reviews from previous guests, potential customers are likely to book somewhere else. This is because guest reviews actually provide insight into an actual guest experience and give proof to customers that hotels give a specific type of service. Hence why you should have positive reviews from previous guests and why we are giving ways to improve your reviews in the online market.  

Keep up to Date

Keeping the information about your hotel online up to date is one of the most important things to do if you want positive guest reviews on your websites. This is because up-to-date information gives guests a realistic overview of your hotel before they visit. This way they get the latest information about your hotel so that when they visit, it matches your description. A realistic piece of information that is not exaggerated and kept up to date is more likely to be appreciated by guests because they can see that what you put online is true. It increases trust and builds credibility for your hotel. Hence why your information should always be up-to-date and true to its form if you want to have positive reviews.

Keep Service up to Standard

Keeping your service up to standard is very important if you want positive reviews from guests. This is because your services represent your hotel as a brand. By offering your customers help, providing them with information or solutions to their problems and advising them during their stay, will make them feel that you are about them and will likely make them want to come back. This results in a positive view of your hotel during their stay which is likely to translate into positive customer reviews on your website. Hence having good services is important if you want to get better guest reviews.

Make sure your Website is easy to use

Making sure that your website is easy to use is also important if you want positive reviews online. Essentially customer’s are not judging only based on your service once they’ve had a chance to visit, but they are judging straight from the first step which is what they see on your online sites, including websites. Making your website easy to use and presentable is important because it will show them how professional you are. They will base their decision on whether to trust you or not from your website, and hence either decide to give you a positive or negative review online. So if you want to leave a good impression on your guests your website is also what you should consider working on.

Make them feel Special

Making your clients feel special through little gestures is a really good way to increase positive customer reviews online. You can do this through personalization. Each guest is different and will require different types of services from your hotel. For example if they are staying with you to celebrate a birthday party, what you can do essentially to make them feel special is give them handwritten cards or organize flowers, bouquets, balloons or anything that will show them that you care about them and the little details. This will much more likely be appreciated by guests. It will make them feel special which leaves a good impression on them and more likely to leave a positive review on the internet.

Make sure employees are Enjoying too

In order to satisfy any customers, you will need to make sure that your own employees are satisfied and happy with what they do first. Making sure that your employees are happy with you as a brand will more likely translate into their job when they are meeting customers. This is because they are happy with the way you treat them and in turn will be happy to treat guests from your hotel too. It betters your service naturally and in most cases, customers will be able to see that. Hence, they are more likely to leave positive reviews about your hotel afterwards.

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