Instagram is one of the leading social media platforms out there. Since it is a visual platform, it’s one of the best marketing tools that you could use to get your hotel out there. With some time and effort, you can encourage engagement and build a decent following on your business page. However, getting people to visit your website and drumming up some business may be a little bit more challenging.... Read More
Google is a powerful platform that marketers everywhere need to be in tune with. The platform itself provides a few tools that are highly beneficial for those looking to improve their marketing efficiency, and one of those tools is Google AdWords. It’s a tool used to increase the reach of your keyword, and that’s something that a business like a hotel can’t pass up, especially with the massive reach Google has.... Read More
As technology evolves, business shift to follow. This can especially be observed in the hospitality industry. Digital marketing has completely changed the way hotels carry out their marketing tasks. In the past, large hotels had the upper hand in terms of marketing. Now a hotel of any size can use digital marketing techniques to grow their brand presence and drive revenue.... Read More
Every day, digital marketing is holding a more prominent position in the marketing strategies of hotels all over the world. To really make the most of digital marketing, however, it’s important for you to ensure that you are getting a return on your investment.... Read More
With all the hotels popping up in every popular vacation destination, it’s no surprise that many of them are competing for the same group of customers. Therefore, it’s increasingly important for hotels to differentiate themselves and make it clear to customers that they are the best choice.... Read More
It seems like the digital marketing landscape scene is constantly changing, and it is. You’ve got to keep up with your email marketing, make sure your website is up to par, think about how to reach the local market, engage with your community, while still keeping up with your SEO.... Read More
Behind strong digital marketing is a good digital marketing strategy. Selecting the best tools to reach the audience that you have identified at the perfect time can be challenging, and it often takes a lot of research and persistence. Since the digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, you can never really complete your digital marketing strategy.... Read More
Presently, the internet has become such an important part of our lives. Before we go on vacation, we go online to look for the best restaurants to try, sites to check out, and hotels to stay in. It’s uncommon to choose a hotel without first looking it up online.... Read More
Facebook is becoming an increasingly popular marketing tool. The hotel industry, along with many other industries, have rushed to start reaching their target market on this social media platform. It’s a great way to keep track of trends and figure out other ways to boost conversion.... Read More