Our Guide to Driving More Direct Hotel Bookings Through Email Marketing

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Our Guide to Driving More Direct Hotel Bookings Through Email Marketing

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In today’s digital marketplace, it can be increasingly challenging to get direct bookings. The hotel industry is focusing on optimizing the profitability of hotels using the latest trends to gather new guests, but many overlook a specific market: past guests. This is where email marketing shines as when done correctly, and it can be one of the most powerful tools for driving direct bookings.

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Many may suggest that other channels provide just as much benefit, such as online travel agents.

However, indirect hotel bookings can pose more problems than you think. While they expand your brand presence and introduce you to a broader market, OTAs directly eat away your profit margin as they charge a hefty commission for each booking. Not to mention, indirect hotel bookings do not build brand loyalty, relationship, and recognition.

For that reason, focusing on previous guests as they offer a trusted and significant revenue stream while pursuing them through email marketing is a cost-effective strategy. To that end, here are different ways email can drive direct bookings for your hotel.

Email Marketing Enables You to Retarget Past Guests

Previous guests are a great channel to focus on as hotels already have their email and other additional information saved in their system. Not only does this allow your hotel to construct an email with a founding context, but previous guests will have something to trust as they have experience with your accommodations.

To that end, one way to send out a targeted message by segmenting your email list between past and potential guests. Based on their last stay, your hotel will have an idea of their interests and preferences.

Use this to your advantage and incentivize the booking by upgrading the room for free or add a complimentary meal at your hotel’s restaurant. Either way, the data, and experience is already there – the strategy now is to focus on bringing something new and exciting to reel them back in.

Email Marketing Nurtures Prospective Guests

Email provides the opportunity for your staff to connect with potential guests and build rapport. This invites a steady stream of interested guests inquiring about your hotel and answering them thoroughly in a personalized way gives off a positive impression for guests.

When done right, email marketing can translate into positive reviews and repeat customers.

This can also be an opportunity for you to gather as much information as possible – from their interests, their nature of the stay, and how many people are accompanying them. This established a proactive email approach that enables you to reinforce a booking in the future, not to mention, it also allows you to make preparations that can cater to specific guests’ needs.

On another note, be sure to focus on your unique selling point when guests email you for inquiries. Be it free WiFi, or a list of family-friendly activities, focus on something that will excite the guests to show them what they’ll be missing out on if they go to a different hotel.

If you are ready to take your hotel business to the next level, get in touch with Web
Connection. We are a hotel digital marketing agency that offers travel tech and services. From
marketing to pricing to distribution, we have a solution that will help your hotel business grow
and become more profitable in this digital age.

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